Monday, March 30, 2009

22 reasons I love Tim Holtzie stuff

1. Its so grungie-fied.
2. He gives ordinary stuff character.
3. The techniques.
4. Lots of ways to use Distress Inks so achieve an amazing array of effects.
5. He makes it look SO easy.
6. It IS so easy!
7. It seems all the times I've wished I had a tool that would ....., he comes up with just that tool.
8. All the jazz he throws on projects.
9. The clocks.
10. The keys.
11. 50 different shades of brown.
12. The richness of his other colors.
13. Books & journals.
14. He's a great teacher.
15. Birds.
16. Branches.
17. Flourish & whimsey.
18. He puts crowns on almost everything.
19. He puts wings on the rest.
20. Grungeboard.
21. Masks, VERY cool masks.
22. He makes me happy and I really like being happy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Background

What do you think? I like it, but its really hard to get everything to match. Text color choices are limited, I am limited. I shared with a SBC yesterday, I get an idea or an image in my head and then try to go and find or achieve that image. Its not easy. This is a small problem. I'll stop complaining now.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tea with Mrs. T

A friend sent me an email and asked "Do you know the proper way to make tea?" Of course I think I do, but actually don't. But I have a friend that does. So I called Mrs. Joan Thomas and asked her how to make proper English tea and, being a proper English lady, she invited me to come and share a cup of tea with her. And even though I'm a rather clumsy Texan, I knew enough to feel honored and accept.

So here's what I needed to know:

You start with a kettle (not a saucepan) of boiling water. It must be boiling! You pour a little into a teapot that will hold enough water for the number of cups of tea you're preparing. This is to temper or heat the teapot. Pour it out.
Add your tea to the teapot. Mrs. Thomas used Twinings loose leaf tea, about 1 1/2 teaspoons for us to share 4 cups of tea. She said that Tetley also made good strong tea. There is one other brand that I can't remember, but I think its Taylor's of Horrogate. I'll call her tomorrow and edit this blog with that name. You can use tea bags if you prefer, and Mrs. Thomas prefers English Breakfast. I think I do, too. :-)
If you like, you can keep an extra teapot with hot water to dilute your tea if it become too strong. This is your "jug of water".
Pour boiling water into your teapot. Cover and let it steep for about 5 minutes. You can cover with a tea cozy while it steeps if you like to keep it hot.
Pour a little milk into your teacup. Use whole milk and not half and half.
Then pour your tea into your cup and enjoy. Serve with scones, bisquits (cookies), crackers, with butter, jam and cream.

It was lovely and Mrs. Thomas is a treasure.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What effort?

Here's what I am thinking about this morning: when tempted to do something I shouldn't or to break a habit that I don't like in myself, how hard do I fight, really? Do I struggle and struggle and sweat and pace and, finally, am overcome? Or do I think about it, and give in without much of a fight?

When I make a list of the things that make me unhappy or that I would like to change about my life, and then divide that list between what I have control over and what I don't, there is actually a lot that is in my control. Focus on those, trust God with the rest.

Could it be that a happier existence is just a decision away?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Working a plan

I'm busy this week working a new plan. I've been feeling restless for a bit and am really ready for something new and fresh, something that gives me the opportunity to express where I am creatively today. Stay tuned for news on this front.....

Sorry to be so cryptic. Lots of changes going on right now and Rick & I have declared the month of March to be decision month. We think we'll know answers on 3/31 that we don't know today. Regardless of what those answers are, blessed be His Name.

I'll have my camera out next week and will populate this blog with some color & images. My good sister-by-choice (sbc) Heather is inspiring me and, hopefully, helping me to join the blogosphere.

More later....