Friday, January 6, 2012

LSSSL (let's send Susan some love!)

Most of you know Susan Mostek, our wonderful resident artist & teacher at Rocky Mountain Memories.  If you haven't had the joy to be in her classes, you have certainly seen her art displayed in samples all over the shop.  Susan has had rough go of it lately, first with an ankle injury and then a lovely New Year's Eve trip to the emergency room with some muscle spasms.

Suffice to say, she's home & fine, tho still taking care of that ankle.  I think she'd REALLY bounce back if she heard from her paper crafting friends.  If you'd like to send Susan a get well note or an encouragement card, I know she'd love to hear from you.  You can send cards to:

Susan Mosek
7313 Poston Way
Boulder, CO  80301

Let's send Susan some paper love, and look forward to seeing her up & around quickly.
We LOVE YOU, Susan!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan,

    Wish you a very speedy recovery. Hopefully your ankle heals quickly so you can get back at it soon!

