Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ranger Nation Prep

Like making sausage?  Well, kind of.  I'm working on the month's Ranger Nation classes and its one of my favorite things to do.  Their inks, powders & paints are a part of most everything I do, so its a pretty free form time for me.  My desk gets pretty wild during this time, but I'm learning to love the wildness!
Next comes the filtered down version of what I'll need to teach one technique and a project or two.  I NEED a really big desk with a dining room table right next to it, with the leaves in, of course.  ;-)
I'm adding a Thursday class in front of our regular alternate Fridays for Ranger Nation.  That will formally begin with the March 15 & 16 weekend.  Call the shop 970.577.1415 or email me to sign up.
$20 for the class, bring your basic kit.

Seriously, this class is so much fun.  Hope to see you there!


  1. Looks like a fun class, Cheryl!!! You go girl.... <3 Candy

  2. Thanks, Candy. I'm REALLY hoping to see YOU in January 2013!
