Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Wendy Vecchi Experience - Day 2

On the 2nd day of her visit, Wendy taught
Ranger Inks to the MAX
and so it was!

This was a 7 hour marathon learning techniques that were labeled and added to a ring of tags so students can refer to them and use them over and over again.  This is the same method used at Ranger U, so you really got a taste of Ranger U come to YOU.  Many of the techniques were taught at Ranger U when I was there last year, but many were Wendy's techniques.  It was awesome to add another layer of inky knowledge and to get a different perspective from Wendy and her Studio 490 flair.

 Students came up to the table where Wendy demoed and taught technique and then went back to their seats to do it themselves.
 Wendy brought lots of her stamps for students to choose from to play with and use as they practiced the techniques. 
 Wendy combines color and uses that blending tool like nobody else I've seen.
My blending tools are going to get even more of a workout!
 Kim Monroe had an admirably inky set of "nasty hands". 
 Wendy's stunning art was a constant inspiration to everyone.
Wendy, thanks.  Thanks for coming to Estes Park, thanks for your beautiful art and inspiration, thanks for your AWESOME Studio 490 stamps, Art Parts, Clearly for Art (you've GOT to get your hands on this stuff!!), Blossom Bucket embellishments,
and thanks for making a Rocky Mountain Memory for us all!

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