Thursday, August 2, 2012

Surviving July

Whew!  Very warm weather (which I personally LOVE) and super busy month!  Lots of people coming from all over the country and the world to enjoy the cool air in the Rocky Mountains.  I haven't blogged this month so I'll be catching you up on several things over the next few days.  I have been working away in the studio and teaching classes AND planning events for the fall.  SUPER excited!  I'll give you a sneak peak at the end of this blog.

Our neighbors next door at Colorado Hats asked me if I'd make a card they could use to tuck in a CD of photos and give to a friend.  No words or sentiments.  This is what I came up with for them to share.  Its sort of a varied version of a project we're doing today and tomorrow at Metallic Flowers and Ranger Nation.  I'll share those designs tomorrow.  I rather like the way it turned out!
So here's your sneak peak:
Martha Vaughan teaching a class in July and who walks in?  Ronda Palazzari!  Everyone was so happy to see her, but Martha did backflips.  Not really, but sort of.  ;-)  So did I.
Ronda is going to be at Rocky Mountain Memories in October to teach her awesome techniques featured in her book "Art of Layers". 
Ronda is one of the nicest people I've met and you'll love taking her classes.  Mark October 12 and 13 on your calendar and plan a fabulous weekend of scrapbooking, journaling and technique classes.
Check out Ronda's blog at Help Me Ronda.

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