Monday, July 24, 2017

Baker's Twine Flowers

Hey guys, Janet at Creative Impressions asked me to do a blog tutorial to show you how to make flowers with her Baker's Twine and Thin Jute Twine.
Here are the items you'll need.  Pretty simple, no?  The pasta fork is a great tool!  You can make different sizes of flowers and it keeps your loops a uniform size.
 Tape the end of the Baker's Twine and Thin Jute Twine to the back of the pasta fork.  The Baker's Twine by itself is pretty limp but the jute helps give it some body and hold shape.
Make several loops with both fibers and tape the end on the back of the pasta fork.  I did six loops.

 Cut a length of both twines to tie off the loops in the middle.  About 4 or 5 inches should do it.
Tie off in the middle nice and tight.  Release the loops from the fork.
 Fluff the loops out and repeat.  You'll need two of these.
 Overlay one set of loops on the other, one horizontal and the other vertical.  Glue together with a little matte medium.
I stamped a large round paper fastener with tiny script.  On the left is the paper fastener as they come in the package.  I spread the pins to accommodate the thickness of the flower and make a flower center.

Have a little fun today and "create" your own garden of flowers with Creative Impressions embellishments!



  1. This is fantastic, Cheryl! What a great idea to do it that way when there aren't two people to hold it! Love your card!

    1. I know!! I was missing you, girl, had to come up with something!
